Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate - AAKG - is an amino acid compound commonly used in pre workout supplementation, shown to help increase muscular 'pump' and vascularity as well as the delivery of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles.
Arginine (L-Arginine) Arginine, or L-arginine, is an amino acid that is made in the body. As a supplement, it seems to help with several conditions, from migraines to inflammation. Because it relaxes blood vessels, arginine might have cardiovascular benefits.
Alpha-ketoglutaric acid supplements offer a variety of health benefits - It is involved in the formation of glutamine, an amino acid required for protein synthesis and for proper functioning of the immune system. When the endothelium senses heart-healthy conditions, such as physical activity and low cholesterol, it releases more nitric oxide. Nitric oxide expands the blood vessels, increasing blood flow and decreasing plaque growth and blood clotting. Nitric oxide is beneficial for physical activity, it supports the blood vessels and increase blood flow.
L-arginine may stimulate the production of nitric oxide, thus promote male sexual function. Arginine may also provide a support for male fertility and boost libido.