What Are Spinning Classes About?
Across the country their has been a huge rise in the amount of people interested in spinning. Now, not only can you find the machines in all your local gyms, but there are even class for it and they are always packed! There are so many different types too. For example, classes incorporating upper body work, even hip-hop spinning and endurance spinning. People love it! But why? Why spinning classes in particular?
If you haven't heard of spinning classes yet, which I doubt... spinning class are performed on a stationary bike and you are amongst a group of around 10+ people. There is an instructor to guide and motivate the group. These classes are usually 45 minutes long and you wish to join one, I'm sure that any of your local gyms provide them.
What Are The Benefits?
This 40-45 minute workout is the highest intensity of cardio you will ever know! The full body exercise gives you a burn throughout and you know what then end result of that is- toner throughout. That's what we all want, a healthy, lean physique. Many people who continuously got to spin classes often find the atmosphere enjoyable and exhilarating. Even though this is an intense workout and maybe you feel like you don't have the self motivation to get through a class -that is not an issue. The instructors are there to drive and push you to your best ability.
If you don't wish to be so extreme with you workout, you can always do light/lighter workouts and still loose 300+ calories. However, if you are up for a Vigorous workout then you could loose up to 800+ calories.
There are so many benefits to joining a spinning class or continuing one. Many of these benefits include being easy on your joints, low risk in injury, enjoyable and give you the ability to loose up to an average 500+ calories in one 40 minute workout. If that isn't enough reason to join, I don't know what is.
Premium Raws™ Help
Doing an exercise like this can drain you of your energy or you might find you lack the energy and that's why we offer Premium Energy BCAA. This will give you the boost you require to get through your workout. It comes in 3 different sizes and flavours to suit your preference. Very easy to take just add 1 level scoop (10g) to a 500ml water in a Premium Raws™ shaker bottle. Simply, quick and easy!
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